You plan to buy or sell property in Spain? We are real estate agents at your service.

Independent real estate agent in Spain


Natalia Syssoeva, Independent real estate agentMy name is Nataly Sysoeva. I've been living in Spain since 1999. This allows me to say that I know this country, very well familiar with its culture and traditions as well as the mentality of its people.

I've been in the business for 15 years for now and have learned ins and outs of this field. I dare say now I'm experienced in real estate and good at business communication here in Spain and worldwide.

My Russian higher education with major in Design helps me to be creative in searching good property. I can professionally assess the interior and exterior design of a home, the infrastructure and the comfort of an accommodation. Having solid cultural background of long living in Spain, I'm good at choosing Spanish property: which home is more prestigious, which home is more appropriate for everyday life in this country, where to buy or rent property in Spain for various purposes.

I should proudly mention that I am in possession of a real estate agent certificate.

a real estate agent certificate

+34(656)19-68-80 Mobil
skype: Natasha López (

Your Real Estate Lawyer in Spain


Real Estate Lawyer in SpainMy name is Karlos, I'm from Madrid, but presently live and work in Andalusia. It's been several years now since I moved away from the bustle of the capital city to the quiet seaside. I've been in the business partnership with Nataly Sysoeva, real estate agent, since 2005. I provide real estate legal consultancy and expertise for our clients. My legal education is a solid base for my present position. I also hold a master degree in Urban planning which I got from the University of Granada.

I've had my own business in the sphere of real estate legal consultancy in Spain. My English is fluent and this allows me to operate with worldwide clients.

Bachelor of Laws

+34 629 159888 Mobil

Website developer, agency representative in Russia

website ownerValery Kolomeytseva, 10 years´ experience in website development, web-studio owner, SEO-writer.


Feel free to call: WhatsApp , +34(656)19-68-80 Natalia, +7(903)327-60-59 Valeria or email us, please, and we will contact you as soon as possible.